
Best #Procrastination Tip Ever #motivation #inspiration #positivity #WednesdayWisdom #MFRWauthor — 2 Comments

  1. I am one not to put off things that I know have to be done. Where my hubby is the biggest procrastinator in fact if you look up the word in the dictionary his pic is there my closest friend always comments how can you stand it i say it is how he is and i have been with him for 16 yrs and he won’t chg. Even to many plants dying the garden and not being able to can not submitting a bill to work he could of gotten reimbursed for but didn’t. I pray that someday he sees that it is better to do as no one else is going to do it for him. One day at a time I pray I am not perfect by any means but i like how i get things done and it works for me. I so agree it is the best way to do ! Have a great day.

  2. Peggy – my hat’s off to you for not giving in to procrastination at all and getting things done promptly.

    I’ve been working hard at overcoming my tendency to put things off and would like your process to be the way things work for me, too.

    Thanks for sharing!