Wednesday Wisdom from @Oprah – #thankful #grateful #quotes #MFRWauthor
In view of recent world events and considering tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the U.S., the words “thankful” and “grateful” have been running on an endless loop through my mind lately.
The following quote is a perfect fit for this week’s Wednesday Wisdom post:
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don’t have,
you will never, ever have enough.”
– Oprah Winfrey
I love so much of Oprah’s wisdom, but this quote especially speaks to me, reminding me of the beauty and benefit of living a glass-half-full life.
Lucky me, my glass is more than half full – it’s overflowing with things to be thankful for:
A roof over my head, a full refrigerator, a warm bed to sleep in at night. Relationships that sustain me. Readers who stay in touch. A writing schedule that keeps me out of trouble and too busy to worry about what I don’t have. A new book coming out next week and five more to write in the upcoming year. And last but not least, the good health to enjoy all this bounty.
What’s in your gratitude glass at the start of this holiday season?
Wishing everyone celebrating the day a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
All my best,