
Hey, what’s your worry? #motivation #inspiration #quote #WednesdayWisdom — 6 Comments

  1. Thank you Barbara. Wonderful advice. I do like to keep lists and check off things as they get done. It helps with being overwhelmed. I’m a worrywart naturally so sometimes I do let it get the best of me, but I’m constantly working on ways to let it go.

  2. Thanks for the reminder Barbara. I try to remember to ask myself if my worry is out of control, if so, accepted it and move on. If it’s something I can control well – do something about it. I know it’s really isn’t that easy, but at least I’m trying.

  3. Good points, Judy. Sometimes all we can do is try – so keep it up!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  4. Hi, Melissa – the checklists do keep me less overwhelmed, too. And as a big worrywart myself, I like to check out – and share – anything I think might help.

    Thanks for stopping in.

  5. What great tips. I try not to worry about anything that I can’t change right now. Life is full of worries now. I aim to worry about what ever problem is breathing down my neck at the moment. I find I stress myself too much if I think about the what if’s…

  6. It’s always those what-ifs that do us in, isn’t it, Crystal?

    And of the many problems we can’t control, tackling the most pressing one first is a good way to help lower the current stress level.

    Thanks for commenting!