Craving something sweet ~ Teaser Tuesday + #99cents #Sale #MFRWauthor
Your Teaser Tuesday clip today is from A Rancher of Her Own, a standalone book in my Hitching Post Hotel series. Pete and Jane are completely unalike. And you know what they say about opposites! 😉 Currently, they’re in the barn at the Hitching Post, along with a much-loved old mare named Daffodil:
She looked his way again. Even with her back to the sunlight in the doorway, Pete saw her eyes gleam.
She remembered that summer vacation she’d spent here on the ranch, all right—he’d bet the jar of Buffalo nickels he was saving for his son on that.
“You think you’re going to win old Daffodil over to your side, huh?” he said.
“Yes. With the right incentive.”
As she passed him on her way to the stall, the scents of vanilla and spice drifted toward him, light but noticeable enough to set off a craving for something sweet, and surprising enough to make him blink. She’d never seemed the sweet, vanilla type.
She held out a hand. “What do you say, Daff? Want to be a cover girl?”
At the question, Pete’s shoulders went rigid.
The old mare dipped her head, as if giving Jane a royal nod and permission to do what she liked.
Dang, the woman has a way with a horse, after all.
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Both A Rancher of Her Own and A Rancher’s Pride (the first Flagman’s Folly book) are on sale at e-tailers for only 99 cents! I’ve listed a few locations below – but please note, I don’t know how long the sale prices will be in effect. Also, FYI, both books are also available in print.
A Rancher’s Pride:
Barnes & Noble
A Rancher of Her Own:
Barnes & Noble
Happy reading!