
St. Patrick’s Day #Giveaway – #GC #MFRWauthor #contemporaryromance — 17 Comments

  1. Love St. patrick’s Day. Family Matters sounds like my kind of read. Thanks for the post & giveaway chance.
    Carol L

  2. I’ve never read any of your books but heard that you are a good author. If I win, will be glad to leave reviews. I will never give an author less than a three, the author has worked too hard for that. If I can’t give at least a 3 I won’t leave one. If the book touches my emotions (laughter, crying, even sniffling) and automatic 5.

  3. You’re welcome, Carol. I had so much fun writing this book! And have received some great feedback on it. If you ever pick up or win a copy, hope you enjoy it.

  4. Hi, Pat – thanks so much. Reviews and word of mouth are the best ways of all to get a book into the hands of someone who will enjoy it.

    And thanks for sharing that lovely compliment you heard. I’ve always said I want to bring readers as much pleasure as I receive from reading other authors’ books, so it’s always wonderful to hear someone likes my stories.

  5. Between the parades and the food and dressing in green, I love it too, Patricia!

  6. Sounds like a great book. I love abandoned amusement parks. And I love St. Patrick’s Day!

  7. I love St. Patrick’s Day, I remember when I was working I would always where green even though I’m no Irish. I would love a chance at your awesome giveaway. Thanks for all you do for us the readers.

  8. Sandra – I had lots of fun writing the book and using the park for many of the scenes.

  9. Linda – you’re very welcome.

    And as I always say, everybody’s Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! 😉