
12 Days of Little Christmas #Giveaway – Day 9 #MFRWauthor #romance — 42 Comments

  1. Happy Saturday and thank you for all of the fun giveaways. Hope you have a wonderful weekend

  2. I just love your books. I really fall in love with the characters. These stories should be mini-series. I’ll share on facebook and twitter.

  3. Thanks so much, Faye. The books from Days 1 and 2 are connected to each other. And the books from Days 4 thru 7 are connected to each other. Technically, they both are mini-series, although they weren’t marketed that way.

    But if you’re talking television mini-series – hey, I’m all for that. lol Thanks!

  4. I will be a Texan again in about 2 weeks! Yehaaaaw!! Hmm…wonder if lightning strikes twice in here. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend, Barbara!

  5. LOVE the blurb & snippet, The first meeting at the barn door is AWESOME! I love the description of Luke in Carly’s mind

  6. Thanks, Mina – I thought I should start off some eye candy before the scene got too tense. 😉

  7. Jodi – you’re right, they all should be easily available. Thanks so much, and I hope you enjoy them!

  8. Love your books , you have such good ‘ clean’ stories . I’m sure this book is as good as the rest of them also. Thanks .

  9. Thanks, Crystal. I’m so glad you and other readers like the sound of them.