
12 Days of Little Christmas Giveaway – Day 5 #MFRWauthor #romance #giveaway — 30 Comments

  1. I used to go to the rodeo in TX back in the late 70’s. I met a C&W singer but I can’t remember his name. I also dated a bull rider. Fun times…
    When I see the post about this contest I always start singing…”Well we need a little Christmas…” 🙂

  2. Definitely sounds like fun times, Mel!

    And funny about the song. Guess it will be in your head for at least another week now. 😉

  3. So do I, Colleen – and all of my books have kids in them.

    Nate is one my favorites – but don’t tell the others. 😉

  4. Thank you, Barbara! Can’t wait to ask the key chain all my burning questions. And I know I’ll enjoy the book. I’m so excited!!

  5. You’re very welcome, Mel! I hope you love Caleb and Tess and Nate’s story as much as I do.