“This is a story that will go on my yearly re-read list – and I’d highly recommend it for any Romance reader.”
Amazon reviewer
Good news! My publisher has the ebook version of One Week to Win Her Boss sale-priced through January 4th. Here’s a bit more about the story:
Frustrated by her loving but interfering family, single mom Amber Barnett is determined to stand on her own. When the boss she’s crushing on helps her out of a tough spot by getting her into a pretend relationship, things go from bad to unbelievable. Still, in a town like Snowflake Valley, where the residents celebrate love and joy and the holidays 365 days a year, a lot can happen in one short week.
Entangled: http://bit.ly/owep2l85mN (links to various booksellers)
Amazon: http://bit.ly/ow2l9Detp
Happy reading if you pick up a copy of the book.
And happy hunting if you’re preparing to tackle your holiday shopping lists. 🙂